San Diego nonprofit Pink Strength redefines life with cancer for young adults and their families
Pink Strength supports adolescents and young adults in navigating treatment, recovery, and life after cancer.

The demand for greater representation of Filipinx in health and social work research
Dale Maglalang is challenging the current state of academia, advocating for greater representation of communities in health research.

How Therapinxy is redefining mental health and wellness in the Filipin@/xs community
Therapinxy seeks to destigmatize mental health and build Filipino resiliency through collective care, kapwa, and liberation.

Heal self, heal others: Nurturing the heart and spirit through mental health support
Healing Pilipinx Uplifting Self & Others (Healing P.U.S.O) aims to uplift the heart and spirit of the Pilipinx community while normalizing mental health.

Harvesting joy and healing Filipinx masculinities with Brokada Kollective Healing Circle
The Brokada Kollective Healing Circle is a space of transformation and hope.

Indigenous intuitive healer ascends to her higher self by lifting up others
From the fire that created Islan Guahan, so too, comes the origin of Daisha, an Indigenous Intuitive Healer known as The Rooted Ascendant.