Pathways to Wellness: Sweet Mango Therapy tackles mental health barriers and stigmas
Sweet Mango Therapy embodies more than a therapy practice. It's a community dedicated to collective generational healing.

Somatic activated healer and coach challenges colonial mindsets through emotional self-care
As a queer somatic activated healer, Kim Saira centers emotional healing and embodiment through her 12-week coaching cohort Authentically U.

Heal self, heal others: Nurturing the heart and spirit through mental health support
Healing Pilipinx Uplifting Self & Others (Healing P.U.S.O) aims to uplift the heart and spirit of the Pilipinx community while normalizing mental health.

Harvesting joy and healing Filipinx masculinities with Brokada Kollective Healing Circle
The Brokada Kollective Healing Circle is a space of transformation and hope.