You will not take my name
Photo: Jen Rocha
You will not take my name
You will not take my face
Nor my life
My livelihood
Or my community
Because at the end of the day my life belongs to the movement
No matter the red-tags or the surveillance
I will continue to rise with defiance
to seek out your weakness
Because you see this election fraud you committed
Is a reflection
Of your incompetence
Your unwillingness to provide
And this will not go unnoticed
The massa will see the visible contradictions
In which the US steers so clearly
This next ruling will be your downfall
It will create the right conditions
To ignite within us all
A worker led movement
And you will find yourself cornered
Alone with no first world interference
Because we Filipinos know a thing or two of a revolution
Spanish colonization
With US imperialism
No honeymoon phase to sway us
Only history beginning to unravel
Dynasties vying for power
Boiling point, eventually toppling over
Marcos and Duterte if I were you I would hesitate the next time you address the country Just like the past, but hopefully with new victories, new lessons
You, the enemy, the ruling class, the reactionary government
Will be left overthrown- even ousted
Disintegrated and burned into few remnants
As workers and peasants come together
To build a new society towards socialism